Sunday, September 19, 2010

Windowsill Farming

     This is farming on a smaller scale - sort of like a flea circus- for those of us who - for whatever reason- can't or don't want to get any dirt under our fingernails. Think of it as a terrarium that you can eat.   Salad in a jar.  Cool.
Growing sprouts is nothing new (there is nothing new in any kind of farming) but I just rediscovered it for myself -so indulge me a little and play along.   First you have to decide what type of seed to use.   I chose a radish, alfalfa and  broccoli mix. (Did that bother you that I listed them unalphabetically?   Then you have OCD.  No kidding.)
I bought a little package at the health food store.
Then you decide the container- a clear glass mason jar works best.   Put a ventilated top on it- I bought the green plastic one when I bought the seed mix or use the ring for a jar lid with a piece of nylon stocking over it.  (boy - did I have to dig for that-  I don't know when the last time was that I wore pantie hose!)
Then soak the seed for 6-8 hours in clean water.  Drain.  Put the jar on it's side in a dark place.  (Not in a kitchen cabinet.  I did that once and forgot about my project for 3 days.)  I loosely wrap mine in a kitchen towel and put it near my coffee machine.  ( I was determined not to forget this time!)   Over the next few days rinse and drain the seeds once or twice a day.   And voila!  Sprouts! 
After the 3rd day or so put them in the light so they green up a bit.   Add to salads or sandwiches as you wish.  
We over did it the first time and the jar got too full early on.  We ended up separating the bunch into two jars then a 3rd as they continued to grow.   When finished we put them in plastic tubs in the refrigerator.
It's nice to have something fresh that you grew yourself - now isn't it?  It's a fun project for kids too-
don't 'cha know?!


  1. Thanks for the sprouts, they were really great!

  2. You betcha! We're trying mung bean sprouts now too. I'll let you know how they are.
