Monday, September 6, 2010

Twinkie Nation

I'm reading a book by farmer Joel Salatin- he's the owner/creator of Polyface, Inc 'Farm of Many Faces'. I first read about his farm in Michael Pollin's book 'The Omnivore's Dilemma' section on 'Grass'.   I love so many of Joel's quotes and philosophies about 'keeping it local' for all the right reasons.
'The sooner we involve people with their food and show them there is something better than Twinkies and Pop Tarts, cardboard tomatoes and cellulose apples, greasy spareribs and pale eggs, they will realize that the 'system' is totally rotten.  We cannot get an educated, proactive populace as long as we have an agriculture so far removed from end users that they think milk comes from a jug and fish sticks swim around in the ocean.' 
Joel Salatin 'You Can Farm'


  1. Fine start. Keep it up! Love, Dad

  2. Thanks for your love and inspiration Dad-o!! I'm not sure if grandpa's garden was huge or if I was just small in comparison to his rows of string beans!
